On a Friday bus ride home from school, my friend invited me to his house that evening to watch a movie that,
from a general consensus by fans, was the worst movie ever made. He began
to explain the bizarre background of The Room speaking
of an Eastern European, Dracula resembling, drunk Johnny Depp looking man named
Tommy Wiseau. Mr. Wiseau directed, wrote, produced, and financed his own drama
film about a banker named Johnny and his hilarious journey from happiness to
darkness. My friend continued to explain that originally released 8 years
earlier, the film had recently started to receive cult status for the terrible
script and acting. Mr. Wiseau even traveled promoting and
playing his movie to audiences who adored it and that viewing The Room
in a theater was an “active” experience with fans throwing spoons at the
screen during specific scenes. Confused as to why my friend would want to watch
a bad film puzzled me; However, being a senior in high school with a Friday night life consisting of video game binging with the occasional walk to the convenience store, I had a lot
of free time. He told me to arrive at his house that evening with movie snacks
and to be ready for the unexpected.

Movies tend to be solitary experiences even if you are sitting at home with friends or family. We sit quietly together, and if anyone
begins to speak during a movie, they tend to be greeted with an aggressive “Shhhhhhh” or an annoyed look. For movies that are genuinely good, I understand being quiet;
however, with The Room, and other bad films, it’s the complete opposite.
When watching this movie and others like it, the desire to talk and discuss the amount of
craziness is needed, and that feeling is mutual among everyone. “What just
happened?”, “Is that the same footage from the last 2 sex scenes?”, and my
favorite unanswered question, “Did Lisa’s mother ever die from breast cancer?”
(maybe fan-fiction out there will answer this for me someday). I’ve seen bad
films by myself and believe me, you need to express your thoughts to another
sane person.
Bad movies like The Room are meant to be experienced with friends talking out loud, starting a dialogue of ideas that can be shared in the moment, regardless of missing the plot. Trust me, there is not a comprehensive story with bad movies. This makes these films an active experience for moviegoers and establishes the So Bad, It’s Good movies as a unique genre. My advice to you reading this is to begin your search and start your bad movie journey. The memories I have created by watching not just The Room but other bad films have been memorable because of those I have shared the experience with. I hope that you and your friends can discover the sheer dumb fun of bad movies.
Bad movies like The Room are meant to be experienced with friends talking out loud, starting a dialogue of ideas that can be shared in the moment, regardless of missing the plot. Trust me, there is not a comprehensive story with bad movies. This makes these films an active experience for moviegoers and establishes the So Bad, It’s Good movies as a unique genre. My advice to you reading this is to begin your search and start your bad movie journey. The memories I have created by watching not just The Room but other bad films have been memorable because of those I have shared the experience with. I hope that you and your friends can discover the sheer dumb fun of bad movies.
Some recommended bad films:
Directed and starring
Tommy Wiseau, The Room (2003)
Starring Nicolas Cage,
The Wicker Man (2006)
Directed and starring
Neil Breen, Fateful Findings (2013)
Starring Christopher
Reeve, Superman 4: The Quest for Peace (1987)