Let’s start with a story. My first
experience with a superhero video game was the PlayStation classic Spiderman. Six-year-old me had yet to
open up and read a comic book, so a superhero game on the first console
generation was a great alternative. The game included exciting gameplay
mechanics like web-swinging controls where Spidey could swing from “only” one
building to the next. You heard right, only one building. Spiderman also shot
his webs from not hands but thimble like balls for hands, and the game was
filled with enough quips from Spiderman that made Deadpool seem absent of bad
Beyond the dated early 2000’s gaming
tech, the intro of the game included a narration by a man with a unique vigor
in his voice. It was commanding not because of some overarching authority but
because of the fun, light-hearted nature of it. This narrator sounded excited,
no ecstatic, to be the opening narration (just as I would be) of a Spiderman
game. “Welcome true believers and new comers alike, Spiderman co-creator, Stan
Lee here” the man said as the game’s tutorial commenced. This narrator’s enthusiasm not only made me
excited to play through the title but also interested in exploring and learning
about the superhero universe he created.
Fast forward 18 years later, I am 24
playing through Marvel’s Spiderman on
PS4 during the release weekend having nostalgia feelings of when I was six
playing. Early in my play-through of the story, a cut scene occurs with Peter
Parker and Mary Jane meeting for the first time at a diner to discuss criminal
activity in New York and the couple’s romantic future. Their conversation is interrupted
by the sound of police sirens echoing down the street with Peter giving a glance
to MJ that is reminiscent of the times his other job took time away from them.
After Peter leaves, MJ walks to the counter to pay the bill and talks to the
owner, who happens to be Stan Lee, who comments to MJ, “Love seeing you two
together again, you always were my favorites.” Besides making the fan-boy in me
happy, there was a real sense of love conveyed in that spoken line showing the admiration
Stan Lee had for co-creating those characters. It was the same care that I had
heard in that narrator 18 years prior.
Stan Lee passed away on November 12th,
and fans around the world have paid homage to the man who helped create so
much. He was responsible for putting together a mythology of heroes that will
forever be etched in popular culture. For myself, celebrity deaths have rarely
upset me as much as the passing of Stan Lee has. His death has instilled in me
a real sense of just how much this man impacted not just my life but countless
others with heroes that many could aspire to. You created Spiderman who is a
character I have identified with for a majority of my life with regards to both
struggles and victories, so thank you Stan Lee. Thank you.